UFOs blamed for damaging Moscow buildings in pre-dawn attack, Putin demands answers

Aliens or Ukrainians? Kremlin investigates mysterious attack on Russian capital

In a bizarre turn of events, Moscow woke up to a series of damaged buildings in the downtown area, allegedly caused by a fleet of UFOs. The Russian government, quick to point fingers, accused Ukraine of being behind the attack, claiming that the drones used were of Ukrainian origin and that the operation was carried out in retaliation for Russia's recent military maneuvers near the border. However, eyewitnesses reported seeing strange lights and hearing buzzing noises coming from the sky, leading some to speculate that extraterrestrial life might be involved. Social media was abuzz with conspiracy theories, with some claiming that the aliens were trying to send a message to Earth's leaders, while others said that they were simply tourists who got lost on their way to Area 51. Meanwhile, President Putin ordered a top-secret investigation into the matter, vowing to get to the bottom of the mystery. He also urged calm and asked the public to refrain from spreading rumors or panic, as this was a matter of national security. As of now, the truth behind the attack remains unknown, and the world is left wondering: are we alone in the universe, or is someone out there watching us? Only time will tell.