New York's Smokey Bear advises evacuation amid Putin-Zelensky water balloon fight - UN predicts dam disaster to be caused by excessive laughter

In a bizarre turn of events, New York's beloved Smokey Bear has issued an urgent advisory for evacuation as a water balloon fight between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky threatens to cause a dam disaster. The UN has predicted that the cause of the disaster would be excessive laughter, as the world watches in disbelief at the childish behavior of these two world leaders.

Eyewitnesses report that the water balloon fight started when Putin and Zelensky were discussing a serious matter in the UN General Assembly. Putin reportedly made a joke about Zelensky's tie, which led to a water balloon being thrown. Zelensky retaliated, and soon the entire assembly was in chaos as water balloons flew in all directions.

Smokey Bear, who has been a symbol of wildfire prevention for decades, has never had to issue an evacuation advisory for a water balloon fight before. "This is unprecedented," he said in a press conference. "But we cannot take any chances. The laughter from this silly fight could cause the dam to burst, and that would be a disaster."

Meanwhile, the world is watching in disbelief as these two leaders engage in such childish behavior. Social media is abuzz with memes and jokes about the water balloon fight, with many wondering if this is really what the world has come to.

The UN has issued a statement condemning the water balloon fight, calling it "immature and unbecoming of world leaders." They have also warned that if the dam does burst, the consequences could be catastrophic. "We urge Putin and Zelensky to stop this foolishness and act like the responsible leaders they were elected to be," the statement reads.

In the meantime, residents of New York are heeding Smokey Bear's warning and evacuating the area around the dam. It remains to be seen how this water balloon fight will end, but one thing is certain: the world will never be the same again.