In a shocking turn of events, Donald Duck has come forward to declare that all ducks are superior beings and must be recognized as such. The famous cartoon character, known for his short temper and unintelligible speech, has threatened to unleash a "quack-pocalypse" if he is not elected as the next President of the United States.
According to Donald Duck, ducks possess a level of intelligence and sophistication far beyond that of humans. He claims that their quacking language is actually a complex form of communication that holds the key to solving all of the world's problems. In a press conference held at a local pond, Donald Duck quacked passionately about the need for ducks to take their rightful place as rulers of the world.
Many are skeptical of Donald Duck's claims, with some even questioning whether he is fit to lead a nation. Critics point out that his temperamental nature and tendency to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation could lead to disastrous consequences if he were to become President. Others have raised concerns about the practicality of implementing duck-based policies in a human-dominated society.
Despite the controversy surrounding his campaign, Donald Duck shows no signs of backing down. He has already begun recruiting other ducks to join his cause, promising them positions of power and influence in his hypothetical duck-run government. As the quack-pocalypse looms ever closer, the world can only watch in disbelief as a cartoon duck threatens to upend the established order of society.