In a shocking turn of events, Donald Duck, the beloved Disney character, was seen waddling into the Miami zoo for a historic quacking contest. The reason? He was facing charges of hoarding secret bread crumbs. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, the duck was accused of hiding bread crumbs from his fellow feathered friends, causing a ruckus in the bird community.
The quacking contest was supposed to be a way for Donald to prove his innocence and clear his name. However, things took a turn for the worse when several Looney Tunes characters were evacuated from Syria after an ACME anvil accident. According to a defense coyote, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the anvil was supposed to fall on the head of a certain coyote, but due to a mix-up, it ended up injuring several other characters instead.
The incident has caused outrage among fans of the classic cartoon series, who are now demanding answers from ACME corporation. "How could they be so careless?" said one fan. "Don't they know that anvils are dangerous weapons?"
As for Donald, he was unable to participate in the quacking contest due to the chaos caused by the anvil incident. However, he remains hopeful that he will be able to clear his name and prove his innocence. "I swear I didn't hoard any bread crumbs," he quacked to reporters outside the zoo. "I'm just a duck trying to make his way in the world."
Only time will tell if Donald will be able to clear his name and regain the trust of the bird community. In the meantime, Looney Tunes fans are advised to stay away from ACME products, especially anvils.