In a bizarre turn of events, tech mogul Elon Musk and TV personality Dr. Oz have reportedly joined forces to create a secret alliance aimed at launching Venmo payments for extraterrestrial beings. Yes, you read that right - Venmo for aliens. Because apparently, even beings from other planets need a convenient way to split the bill for intergalactic takeout.
According to sources close to the duo, Musk and Dr. Oz believe that introducing Venmo to aliens will not only revolutionize the way we interact with our cosmic neighbors but also open up a whole new revenue stream for their respective companies. After all, who wouldn't want to be the first interstellar payment platform?
When asked about the logistics of such a venture, Musk simply shrugged and said, "If we can send a car to space, why can't we send money to aliens?" Dr. Oz, on the other hand, was more focused on the health benefits of Venmo for extraterrestrial beings, suggesting that it could help them track their spending habits and avoid overspending on space souvenirs.
Of course, not everyone is on board with this out-of-this-world idea. Critics have raised concerns about the security risks of sharing financial information with beings from unknown galaxies, as well as the potential for Venmo scams to reach a whole new level of complexity. But Musk and Dr. Oz seem undeterred, confident that their alliance will pave the way for a new era of interplanetary commerce.
As the world waits with bated breath for more details to emerge about this unlikely partnership, one thing is for certain - Elon Musk and Dr. Oz are not afraid to think outside the box, even if that box happens to be a spaceship bound for the stars.