Eric Trump Inflates Value of Trump Properties by Using Balloons, Claims They're Worth Millions

In a shocking turn of events, Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, has been caught red-handed inflating the value of Trump properties by using balloons. Yes, you read that right. Balloons. According to sources close to the situation, Eric has been going around to various Trump properties with a stash of balloons and a mischievous grin, claiming that these properties are worth millions.

It seems that Eric's logic is simple yet absurd. By attaching balloons to these properties, he believes that they will somehow appear more valuable to potential buyers. "It's all about perception," Eric reportedly said with a wink. "If people see these properties floating in the air, they'll think they're worth a fortune!"

Unsurprisingly, real estate experts and economists are scratching their heads at Eric's unconventional approach. "I've never seen anything like this before," said one bewildered analyst. "Inflating the value of properties with balloons? It's like something out of a children's book."

As news of Eric's balloon scheme spread, critics were quick to point out the flaws in his logic. "Just because you attach balloons to something doesn't mean it magically becomes more valuable," said one skeptic. "If that were the case, I'd be attaching balloons to my car and claiming it's a luxury vehicle."

But Eric remains undeterred by the naysayers. He is convinced that his balloon tactic is a stroke of genius. "Think about it," he said confidently. "Who wouldn't want to buy a property that can float? It's like having a built-in escape plan in case things go south!"

While Eric's balloon strategy may seem laughable to most, it's important to remember that this is not the first time the Trump family has been involved in questionable real estate practices. From the infamous Trump University to alleged tax evasion schemes, the Trumps have never been strangers to controversy.

So, the next time you come across a Trump property floating in the sky, just remember that its value may be a bit inflated – quite literally. And if you happen to see Eric Trump with a handful of balloons, it might be best to run in the opposite direction. After all, who knows what other unconventional ideas he has up his sleeve?