Inflated Trump Appears in Miami Court Facing Charges of Only Eating 4% of His Annual Diet for the Past 2 Years

In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump appeared in a Miami court today facing charges of only consuming 4% of his recommended annual diet for the past two years. The prosecution alleges that Trump's diet consisted mainly of fast food and diet soda, leading to his inflated appearance.

Trump's defense team argued that his busy schedule as president left him with little time to focus on his diet, and that he was simply trying to maintain his energy levels with quick and convenient meals. However, the prosecution countered with evidence of Trump's frequent golf outings and leisure time, suggesting that he could have made more of an effort to eat healthier.

The courtroom was filled with laughter as the judge read out the charges against Trump, with many members of the public taking to social media to poke fun at the former president's dietary habits. Memes and jokes flooded Twitter, with some users suggesting that Trump's love of fast food was a reflection of his "America First" policy.

As the trial continued, Trump's inflated appearance seemed to deflate before the eyes of the court. The prosecution presented photos of Trump from his presidency, showing a significant weight gain over the past four years. Trump's defense team argued that this was simply due to the stress of the job, but many were left unconvinced.

In the end, the jury found Trump guilty of only consuming 4% of his recommended annual diet for the past two years. The judge sentenced him to a year of community service, during which he will be required to promote healthy eating habits to the public. Trump's lawyers have already announced plans to appeal the verdict, but it seems that the former president's love of fast food has finally caught up with him.