Trump's Hilarious Attempts to Defend Himself Against Indictment While Scrambling to Find a Lawyer

In recent news, President Trump has found himself in quite the pickle. With indictments looming over his head, the Commander-in-Chief has been scrambling to find a lawyer to defend him. But in the meantime, he's been making some hilarious attempts to defend himself.

In a recent press conference, Trump tried to argue that he couldn't be indicted because he's the President. "I mean, come on guys, I'm the President. You can't just indict a President. It's like, in the Constitution or something," he quipped. Unfortunately for Trump, that's not quite how it works.

When pressed further about the charges against him, Trump tried a new tactic: distraction. "Hey, did you guys see the ratings for the State of the Union? They were through the roof. Nobody's ever had ratings like that before. It was huge," he said, completely ignoring the question at hand.

But perhaps the most hilarious attempt at defense came when Trump tried to argue that he couldn't have committed any crimes because he's "a very stable genius." "I mean, I'm really smart. Like, really really smart. And stable. Very stable. So, obviously I couldn't have done anything wrong," he said with a straight face.

As the search for a lawyer continues, we can only hope that Trump's next defense strategy is just as entertaining. Maybe he'll try to argue that he's immune to prosecution because he's secretly a superhero. Or that the entire justice system is just a conspiracy against him. Who knows? With Trump, anything is possible.