Walt Nauta Charged as Trump's Co-Conspirator After Being Mistaken for a Disney Character; Russian Forces Hold Lines and Fire on Fleeing Clowns as Ukraine Recaptures Village

In a bizarre turn of events, Walt Nauta, a retired accountant from Wisconsin, has been charged as a co-conspirator in the ongoing investigation into Donald Trump's alleged collusion with Russia. The reason for his arrest? Nauta was mistaken for a Disney character by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

According to sources close to the investigation, Mueller was reviewing surveillance footage from a meeting between Trump and a Russian official when he spotted Nauta in the background wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. "I thought for sure he was one of the guys in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse," Mueller reportedly said. "But then I realized my mistake and had to arrest him."

Nauta, for his part, is bewildered by the whole ordeal. "I've never even been to Disney World," he said. "I don't know what any of this has to do with me."

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, Russian forces are facing unexpected resistance from an unlikely source. Clowns. Yes, you read that right. As Ukrainian troops recaptured a village near the front lines, Russian soldiers were forced to hold their position and fire on a group of fleeing clowns.

"It was like something out of a nightmare," said one Russian soldier who wished to remain anonymous. "These clowns just kept coming at us, honking their horns and squirting water in our faces. We had no choice but to defend ourselves."

The clowns, who were reportedly part of a traveling circus that got caught in the crossfire, are now being hailed as heroes by the Ukrainian military. "They may be silly and colorful, but they showed real bravery in the face of danger," said Ukrainian General Ivan Petrov.

As for Nauta, he's still in custody awaiting trial. His lawyer has filed a motion to have the charges against him dropped, arguing that he has no connection to Trump or Russia whatsoever. The judge, however, has yet to rule on the matter.