Walt Nauta, former Trump aide, caught selling classified documents to Canadian beavers

It seems like the drama surrounding former Trump aides just keeps getting weirder and weirder. The latest scandal involves Walt Nauta, who was caught selling classified documents to none other than Canadian beavers.

Yes, you read that right. Canadian beavers. Apparently, Nauta had struck up a deal with a group of beavers who promised to pay him handsomely for any confidential information he could provide about the US government.

Nauta, who had previously worked as a senior advisor to President Trump, was caught red-handed by FBI agents who had been tipped off by an anonymous source. When they raided Nauta's home, they found him in the middle of a Skype call with a group of beavers, trying to negotiate the price for a set of top-secret documents.

According to sources, the beavers were particularly interested in obtaining information about US infrastructure projects, as they believed it could give them an edge in their own dam-building efforts. They reportedly offered Nauta a substantial sum of money in exchange for any blueprints or schematics he could provide.

When questioned about the incident, Nauta seemed unrepentant, insisting that he had done nothing wrong. "Look, these beavers are smart creatures," he said. "They know what they're doing. And hey, a guy's gotta make a living somehow, right?"

As for the beavers, they have remained tight-lipped about the whole affair, issuing only a brief statement that read: "We do not comment on ongoing negotiations."

It's unclear what the fallout from this scandal will be, but one thing is for certain: it's going to be hard for Nauta to live this one down. Selling classified documents to beavers? That's a new low, even for the Trump administration.