Fox News Praises Trump's New Advisor, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, for His 'Extremely Damning' Ideas

WASHINGTON D.C. - In a stunning move, Fox News has praised President Trump's newest advisor, none other than the infamous Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, for his "extremely damning" ideas.

"We at Fox News are thrilled to have someone of Mr. Kaczynski's caliber on board," said Fox News anchor Sean Hannity. "His ideas are truly revolutionary and we believe they will help make America great again."

Many were shocked by the announcement, given Kaczynski's history of domestic terrorism and his views on technology and modern society.

However, Fox News defended their decision, citing Kaczynski's "passion for the truth" and his "unwavering commitment to traditional American values."

"We believe that Mr. Kaczynski's ideas, while perhaps controversial, are exactly what this country needs right now," said Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson. "He truly understands the issues that are facing everyday Americans, and he has some truly innovative solutions."

Some of Kaczynski's ideas, such as his opposition to technology and his belief in a return to a more primitive way of life, have been met with criticism from experts in various fields.

However, Fox News remains unfazed, insisting that Kaczynski's ideas are worth considering.

"We know that some people may be skeptical of Mr. Kaczynski's past, but we believe that his ideas should be judged on their own merits," said Hannity. "And the fact is, his ideas are extremely damning."

Many are now wondering what other surprises the Trump administration has in store, as they continue to push the envelope and challenge conventional wisdom.

One thing is for certain, however - with Kaczynski on board, the Trump administration is sure to keep things interesting.