Fmr. President Rump's wild claims of a unicorn scandal involving President Bidet revealed

In a recent press conference, former President Rump made some wild and outrageous claims about President Bidet's involvement in a unicorn scandal. According to Rump, Bidet had been secretly breeding unicorns in the White House and using their magical powers to manipulate the stock market.

Of course, these claims are completely ridiculous and unfounded. Unicorns don't even exist! But that hasn't stopped Rump from insisting that he has evidence to back up his claims. In fact, he's even suggested that a team of investigators be sent to the White House to search for evidence of the unicorn conspiracy.

It's hard to know what to make of Rump's claims. On the one hand, he's a notorious liar who has a history of making up stories to suit his own purposes. On the other hand, he was once the most powerful person in the world, so maybe he knows something we don't.

Regardless of the truth behind Rump's claims, it's clear that he's still desperate for attention and relevance. Since leaving office, he's been grasping at straws to stay in the public eye, from launching a failed social media platform to making bizarre appearances at conservative events.

Meanwhile, President Bidet has remained focused on the pressing issues facing the country, like the ongoing pandemic, climate change, and economic inequality. It's a shame that he has to waste his time dealing with Rump's nonsense, but that's the world we live in.

In conclusion, there is no unicorn scandal involving President Bidet. It's just another wild claim from a former president who can't accept that he lost the election fair and square. Maybe someday Rump will realize that his time in the spotlight is over and move on, but until then, we'll just have to keep rolling our eyes and shaking our heads at his antics.