Trumpy DeSantis Show Concern After Joe Biden Trips Over His Own Shadow at Air Guitar Performance

It was a moment that shook the world - Joe Biden, the President of the United States, stumbled over his own shadow during a performance of air guitar. The incident was caught on camera and quickly went viral, with millions of people around the world watching in disbelief.

And while most people were simply amused by the incident, former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis were quick to express their concern.

"I saw that video and it really worried me," Trump said during a press conference. "I mean, if Joe Biden can't even handle his own shadow, how can we trust him to handle the country? It's a real concern."

DeSantis, who is widely believed to be considering a run for president in 2024, echoed Trump's sentiments. "This is a serious issue," he said. "If we can't trust Joe Biden to navigate around his own shadow, how can we trust him to navigate the complex geopolitical landscape of the 21st century?"

Of course, not everyone was convinced that Biden's stumble was cause for concern. "It was just a harmless mistake," said one Twitter user. "I mean, we've all stumbled over our own shadows at one point or another. It doesn't mean anything."

But Trump and DeSantis remained unconvinced. "We need a president who can handle anything that comes their way," Trump said. "And I'm just not sure Joe Biden is up to the task."

It's unclear what impact Biden's stumble will have on his presidency, but one thing is for sure - it's given Trump and DeSantis plenty to talk about.