Major Philly Highway Collapses After Burger Truck Explodes, Trump's Court Date Brings Fears of Clown Uprising

In a shocking turn of events, a major highway in Philadelphia collapsed after a burger truck exploded, leaving commuters stranded and hungry. Eyewitnesses reported that the truck, which was carrying a load of greasy burgers, suddenly burst into flames, causing a chain reaction that led to the collapse of the entire highway. The driver of the truck, who miraculously survived the explosion, was later arrested for reckless driving and for not having a proper license to operate a burger truck.

Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., fears of a clown uprising have been sparked by the news that former president Donald Trump has a court date coming up. Experts are warning that the combination of Trump's legal troubles and the recent surge in clown sightings could lead to a dangerous situation. "We're already seeing an increase in clown-related incidents across the country," said one analyst. "If Trump supporters start showing up to his court appearances dressed as clowns, it could be a recipe for disaster."

The news has sparked a wave of panic among those who suffer from coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. "I can't even leave my house anymore," said one woman. "Every time I see someone in a red wig and a big nose, I break out in hives." Others are taking a more lighthearted approach to the situation, joking that if there is a clown uprising, at least they'll have something to laugh about in the midst of all the chaos.

As for the collapsed highway in Philly, city officials are scrambling to figure out how to repair the damage and get traffic moving again. In the meantime, they're urging commuters to carpool, take public transportation, or just stay home altogether. "We're doing everything we can to get things back to normal," said one official. "But let's face it, when a burger truck explodes, there's not much you can do except clean up the mess and hope for the best."

It's unclear what the future holds for either of these bizarre events, but one thing is for sure: it's been a wild week in America. From exploding burger trucks to fears of clown uprisings, it seems like anything could happen at any moment. So buckle up, folks, and get ready for the ride of your life.