Donnie Denies Blame as Section of I-95 Collapses in Philly Due to Exploding Taco Truck

In a shocking turn of events, a section of I-95 in Philadelphia collapsed due to an exploding taco truck. Eyewitnesses reported that the truck was carrying an unusually large quantity of hot sauce, which caused the explosion. However, President Donald Trump has denied any responsibility for the incident, stating that "I have nothing to do with taco trucks, believe me."

The President's statement has left many scratching their heads. How can he not be responsible for an exploding taco truck on a major interstate? Some have speculated that perhaps the President is not aware of the existence of Mexican food, or that he simply refuses to acknowledge its presence in America.

Others have pointed out that this incident is just the latest in a long line of bizarre and unpredictable events that seem to occur with alarming frequency under the current administration. From the President's own Twitter rants to the constant turnover of White House staff, it seems that chaos is the new normal.

But perhaps the most concerning aspect of this incident is the fact that it highlights the dangerous consequences of a society that values fast food and convenience over safety and sustainability. How many more exploding taco trucks will it take before we realize that we need to make major changes to our food system?

In any case, it seems that Donnie will continue to deny any responsibility for the I-95 collapse, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Perhaps he will blame it on the Democrats, or the fake news media, or even on those pesky immigrants. But one thing is for sure: we can't trust a President who won't take responsibility for an exploding taco truck.