Former Police Chief Arrested for Bringing Giant Pretzel to Capitol on National Pretzel Day

In a bizarre turn of events, former police chief, John Dough, was arrested yesterday for what can only be described as a twisted crime. On the sacred occasion of National Pretzel Day, Dough was caught red-handed, or rather, salted-handed, attempting to smuggle a giant pretzel into the Capitol building. It seems that even law enforcement officials can't resist the allure of a warm, doughy delight.

The incident unfolded in the early hours of the morning when Dough, disguised as a pretzel vendor, managed to slip past security guards armed with nothing but a giant pretzel tucked under his arm. It remains a mystery how he managed to go unnoticed, considering the sheer size of the pretzel, which was reportedly the length of a small canoe.

Capitol security was alerted to Dough's presence when a group of hungry senators, drawn by the intoxicating aroma of freshly baked dough, followed their noses to the scene of the crime. Witnesses claim that the senators were drooling like Pavlov's dogs as they caught sight of the colossal pretzel.

As news of the incident spread, social media exploded with hilarious memes and puns, with one user tweeting, "Looks like the former police chief really twisted the law this time!" Another user quipped, "I guess he thought he could get away with a pretzel-ous act."

When questioned about his motives, Dough claimed that he was simply trying to spread the joy of National Pretzel Day to the lawmakers. He argued that a giant pretzel could have been the key to bipartisan cooperation, as nothing brings people together like a shared love for salty snacks.

Legal experts are now debating whether Dough's actions can be classified as a criminal offense or if they should be considered a deliciously misguided attempt at political activism. Some argue that the pretzel was a symbol of unity, while others believe that Dough's actions were a blatant disregard for the sanctity of the Capitol.

Regardless of the outcome, one thing is for certain: National Pretzel Day will never be the same again. It will forever be remembered as the day a former police chief tried to turn the Capitol into a giant snack bar. As for Dough, he may have bitten off more than he can chew with this pretzel caper.