Former President Trump Claims Immunity from Weather Conditions, Declares Himself 'Stormproof'

Former President Donald Trump has once again made headlines with his latest claim: immunity from weather conditions. In a recent interview, Trump boldly declared himself to be "stormproof" and immune to the whims of Mother Nature.

According to Trump, his alleged immunity stems from his unmatched ability to negotiate with weather patterns. "I have the best negotiation skills, believe me," he boasted. "I can sit down with a hurricane and make a deal. No storm can touch me."

While many experts and scientists were quick to dismiss Trump's claim as baseless, his loyal supporters rallied behind him, hailing him as a "true weather warrior." Some even suggested that his immunity extended to other natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Trump's critics, on the other hand, were less convinced. "This is just another example of his delusional thinking," said one skeptic. "I mean, we've seen him struggle with an umbrella in the past. How can he claim to be stormproof?"

Undeterred by the skepticism, Trump went on to outline his plans for utilizing his newfound immunity. He proposed building a wall around the entire United States to protect it from hurricanes, tornadoes, and even rain showers. "We're going to have the most beautiful, stormproof wall you've ever seen," he declared.

As news of Trump's claim spread, social media was flooded with memes and jokes. One popular meme depicted Trump standing triumphantly amidst a raging storm, his hair perfectly coiffed and unruffled. Another joked about his ability to control the weather, suggesting that he could use it to cancel his opponents' golf games.

Meanwhile, meteorologists and weather experts continued to shake their heads in disbelief. "Weather conditions are determined by complex atmospheric processes, not by a person's ego," explained one exasperated meteorologist. "I'm sorry, Mr. Trump, but you can't negotiate with a thunderstorm."

Despite the overwhelming evidence against his claim, Trump remained steadfast in his belief. "I am the chosen one," he declared, pointing to the sky. "The storms fear me, believe me."

As the world watched, waiting to see if Trump would be proven right or if his immunity would be washed away by the next rainstorm, one thing was certain: the former president had once again managed to capture the attention of the nation with his outlandish claims.