Former Trump Loyalists Attempt to Reverse Election Results by Battling Arsonist Squirrels in Los Angeles Freeway Fire

Los Angeles, CA - In a bizarre turn of events, a group of former Trump loyalists has taken it upon themselves to reverse the results of the 2020 election by battling a horde of arsonist squirrels in the midst of a raging freeway fire. Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, these die-hard supporters of the former president believe that if they can defeat these furry fire-starters, it will somehow magically overturn the election results.

Armed with nothing but water guns and squirrel-sized firefighter hats, these self-proclaimed "squirrel warriors" have been spotted patrolling the smoky highways, chasing after the mischievous rodents. Their battle cries of "Make America Nuts Again!" can be heard echoing through the burnt-out wreckage of the once-bustling traffic lanes.

One former Trump campaign staffer, who wished to remain anonymous, explained their strategy. "We believe that these squirrels are part of a deep-state conspiracy to burn down America and steal the election from our beloved leader. By defeating them, we will prove that the election was rigged and restore Trump to his rightful place in the White House."

As news of this peculiar crusade spread, many onlookers couldn't help but question the logic behind it. One bewildered driver stuck in traffic remarked, "I mean, I get that people are upset about the election, but battling squirrels? That's a new level of desperation."

Meanwhile, animal rights activists have expressed concerns about the safety of both the squirrels and the squirrel warriors themselves. "These squirrels are just innocent creatures trying to survive," said one activist. "And these former Trump supporters are putting themselves in harm's way for a cause that is, quite frankly, nuts."

Despite the skepticism and the obvious absurdity of their mission, the squirrel warriors remain undeterred. They see themselves as the last line of defense against a rigged election, armed with nothing but their undying loyalty to their former leader and an arsenal of water guns.

As the fires continue to rage and the battle against the arsonist squirrels wages on, one can't help but wonder what will become of these former Trump loyalists once the flames die down. Will they finally accept the results of the election and move on, or will they continue their quest to make America nuts again? Only time will tell.