Kamala Harris Challenges Poltergeist to a Spooky Debate Over Forgotten Black History

In a surprising turn of events, Vice President Kamala Harris has challenged a poltergeist to a spooky debate over forgotten black history. The announcement came during a press conference held in a haunted mansion, where Harris confidently declared that she was ready to take on any supernatural being in a battle of wits and knowledge.

While many were initially skeptical of Harris' decision to engage with a poltergeist, she quickly defended her choice, stating, "It's time we shed light on the untold stories of black history, even if it means going head-to-head with a mischievous spirit. After all, who better to discuss forgotten history than a ghost who has been around for centuries?"

The poltergeist, known only as "Spooky Steve," has reportedly accepted the challenge and is eager to prove his knowledge of black history. Sources close to the ghost claim that he has spent countless hours in the afterlife studying the subject, making him a formidable opponent for Harris.

As news of the debate spread, social media exploded with both excitement and confusion. Some praised Harris for her boldness and willingness to confront the supernatural, while others questioned the sanity of the entire situation. One Twitter user wrote, "I never thought I'd see the day when a vice president would challenge a ghost to a debate. What a time to be alive!"

Preparations for the debate are already underway, with Harris assembling a team of historians and paranormal experts to assist her in the battle of wits. The vice president's advisors are reportedly working around the clock to come up with strategies to outsmart Spooky Steve, including the use of holy water and sage to ward off any supernatural interference.

While the date and location of the debate have yet to be announced, rumors suggest that it will take place in a haunted graveyard at midnight, adding an extra layer of spookiness to the already bizarre event. Spectators are advised to bring their own ghost detectors and be prepared for a night of frights and historical revelations.

As the world eagerly awaits the showdown between Kamala Harris and Spooky Steve, one thing is certain: this debate will go down in history as one of the most unusual and entertaining spectacles of our time. Whether it will shed light on forgotten black history or simply leave us all with more questions than answers, only time will tell.