Local Man Hambert Hambertson Goes Missing Alongside British Billionaire Hamish Harding on Submarine-Shaped Bathtub

In a bizarre turn of events, local man Hambert Hambertson has gone missing alongside British billionaire Hamish Harding on a submarine-shaped bathtub. The two were last seen embarking on a luxurious bath time adventure, complete with bubbles and rubber duckies.

Hambertson, a known enthusiast of all things aquatic, was thrilled at the opportunity to join Harding on his latest bathtub creation. The billionaire had spared no expense, outfitting the tub with state-of-the-art technology and even a periscope for underwater viewing.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing the two men giggling like schoolchildren as they descended into the depths of the tub. It wasn't until several hours later that concerns were raised about their whereabouts.

Authorities have launched a search and rescue mission, but are admittedly stumped as to how to locate a submarine-shaped bathtub in the vast ocean. "We're doing everything we can to find them," said Coast Guard spokesperson, Captain Ahab. "But it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, or a rubber duckie in a bathtub."

Friends and family of Hambertson are understandably distraught. "He always loved a good soak," said his wife, Mildred. "But I never thought it would lead to this."

As for Harding, he remains optimistic about their chances of survival. "I've been in tight spots before," he said. "But never quite like this. Still, I have faith that we'll be rescued soon. And if not, at least we'll go down in history as the first men to explore the ocean depths in a bathtub."

The incident has sparked a wave of bathtub-related jokes and memes on social media, with many wondering if this will lead to a new trend in extreme bathing. One Twitter user quipped, "I always knew Hambertson was a bit of a daredevil, but this is taking it to a whole new level."

Only time will tell if Hambertson and Harding will be found safe and sound. Until then, we can only hope that they're enjoying the ultimate bubble bath experience.