Local Man 'PlayStation' Loses Control of Tourist Submarine After Attempting to Send Acoustic Message to 'Titanic'

In a bizarre incident, a local man who goes by the name of "PlayStation" lost control of a tourist submarine while attempting to send an acoustic message to the sunken Titanic. The man, who claims to be an expert in underwater communication, was reportedly trying to establish contact with the ill-fated ship and offer his condolences for its tragic end.

Eyewitnesses say that the man was furiously tapping on the submarine's controls and shouting into a microphone, trying to get the attention of the Titanic's ghostly crew. However, his efforts proved to be in vain as the submarine suddenly lurched forward and started to descend rapidly into the depths of the ocean.

According to sources, the man had mistakenly activated the submarine's emergency dive function while trying to adjust the volume of his message. As a result, he found himself hurtling towards the ocean floor at breakneck speed, with no way to stop or steer the vessel.

The man's plight quickly caught the attention of nearby marine biologists and rescue teams, who rushed to the scene to try and save him. However, their efforts were hampered by the fact that the man had also managed to disable the submarine's communication systems in his frantic attempts to contact the Titanic.

After several hours of tense searching, the man was eventually located and rescued from the submarine, which had come to rest on a rocky outcrop near the Titanic's resting place. Miraculously, he emerged from the vessel unscathed, albeit slightly shaken and embarrassed.

When asked for comment, the man simply shrugged and said, "I guess I got a little carried away. I just wanted to say hi to the Titanic, you know? It's not every day you get to talk to a legendary shipwreck." Needless to say, the man's antics have sparked widespread ridicule and amusement among the local community, who have dubbed him "Captain PlayStation" in honor of his ill-fated adventure.