Man Claims Trump's Attempt to Overturn Election Was Just Him Playing 'Presidential Make-Believe'

A man in Pennsylvania has come forward with a rather unusual explanation for former President Donald Trump's relentless efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. According to this man, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of being labeled a "party pooper," Trump's actions were nothing more than a game of "presidential make-believe."

In an exclusive interview, the man revealed that he had stumbled upon Trump in his backyard, dressed in a makeshift presidential suit, complete with a red tie that was several sizes too long. "I couldn't believe my eyes," the man said, stifling a chuckle. "There he was, standing on a soapbox, pretending to address a crowd of adoring supporters."

According to the man, Trump's "presidential make-believe" sessions became a regular occurrence. "Every day, like clockwork, he would come out and give these grand speeches about how the election was stolen from him," the man explained. "He would wave his tiny hands around and make exaggerated facial expressions, as if he were really in the Oval Office."

When asked about the motivation behind Trump's game, the man shrugged and said, "I guess he just really missed being president. It's like when kids play house and pretend to be grown-ups. Except in Trump's case, the stakes were a bit higher."

While some may find this explanation far-fetched, the man insists that he has proof to back up his claims. "I managed to capture some footage on my phone," he said, pulling out a device and showing a grainy video of Trump reciting a speech in his backyard. "See? It's all just a big charade."

Unsurprisingly, Trump's supporters have dismissed the man's claims as nothing more than liberal propaganda. "This is just another attempt to discredit our beloved president," one supporter wrote on social media. "Trump was fighting for justice, not playing make-believe!"

As for Trump himself, he has yet to respond to these allegations. However, insiders say that he has been seen recently purchasing a new set of presidential action figures and a miniature replica of the White House. Make-believe or not, it seems that Trump's fascination with the presidency is far from over.

So, the next time you hear about Trump's attempts to overturn the election, just remember that it might all be part of a game. After all, in the world of politics, sometimes you just have to let the big kids play.