Trump Lawyer Claims Pence Will Be Defense's 'Best Clown' Witness in 2020 Election Case as Former VP Disputes Claims

In a surprising turn of events, former Vice President Mike Pence has found himself at the center of yet another controversy. As the legal battle over the 2020 election continues to unfold, Donald Trump's lawyer has made a bold claim that Pence will be the defense's "best clown" witness. While this may sound like a joke, it appears that the former VP is not amused.

It seems that Trump's legal team is pulling out all the stops in their desperate attempt to overturn the election results. From baseless claims of voter fraud to wild conspiracy theories, they have left no stone unturned. And now, they have set their sights on Pence, hoping that he will be the key to their success.

But why would they choose Pence as their star witness? Well, according to Trump's lawyer, it's because he is the "best clown" they have. Yes, you read that right. The defense team believes that Pence's ability to walk a tightrope between loyalty to Trump and upholding the Constitution will somehow help their case.

It's hard to imagine how Pence, a man known for his reserved and stoic demeanor, could be considered a clown. But in the twisted world of Trump's legal team, anything is possible. Perhaps they believe that Pence's refusal to interfere with the certification of the electoral college results, despite Trump's pressure, will somehow prove that the election was rigged.

However, Pence himself has been quick to dispute these claims. In a statement released by his spokesperson, he said, "I have always taken my role as Vice President seriously and have upheld the Constitution to the best of my ability. I will not be a pawn in this legal circus." It seems that Pence is not willing to play the role of the defense's "best clown" after all.

As the legal battle rages on, it's clear that Trump's lawyer will stop at nothing to try and overturn the election results. From claiming that dead people voted to insisting that voting machines were controlled by foreign powers, they have thrown every conspiracy theory into the mix. And now, they are hoping that Pence's testimony will somehow be the smoking gun they need.

But let's be honest, if the defense's best hope is to rely on Pence as their star witness, they may be in more trouble than they realize. After all, Pence is not exactly known for his charisma or ability to captivate an audience. If anything, his testimony may just put the jury to sleep.

So, as the 2020 election case continues to unfold, we can only sit back and watch as the circus unfolds. Will Pence take the stand and prove to be the defense's "best clown" witness? Or will he refuse to play the role and leave Trump's legal team scrambling for another strategy? Only time will tell.