Pence Claims He Can Summon Sea Drones to Testify in Trump Election Conspiracy Trial

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a stunning turn of events, former Vice President Mike Pence has announced that he possesses the extraordinary ability to summon sea drones to testify in the ongoing Trump election conspiracy trial. Pence made the claim during a recent interview, leaving many scratching their heads and wondering if he has finally lost touch with reality.

According to Pence, these sea drones are highly intelligent creatures that have been specially trained to gather evidence and provide testimony in court. He believes that they hold the key to proving the existence of widespread voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election.

"I have been in close contact with these sea drones for quite some time now," Pence said with a straight face. "They have assured me that they are more than willing to come forward and testify. They have seen it all, folks. They know the truth."

While Pence's claims may sound outlandish to most, there are some die-hard Trump supporters who are eagerly awaiting the sea drones' testimony. They believe that these aquatic creatures hold the key to overturning the election results and reinstating their beloved former president.

However, legal experts are skeptical of Pence's ability to summon sea drones as witnesses. "I have never heard of sea drones being used as witnesses in a court of law," said constitutional law professor, Dr. Jane Smith. "It's highly unlikely that they would be considered credible sources of evidence."

Even if Pence were somehow able to produce these sea drones, there are practical challenges to consider. How would they be transported to the courtroom? Would they be required to take an oath? And most importantly, how would they communicate their testimony?

When pressed on these logistical issues, Pence remained confident. "I have been working closely with a team of marine biologists and linguists to develop a system of communication with the sea drones," he explained. "We have made significant progress and are confident that they will be able to testify effectively."

As the trial continues, it remains to be seen whether Pence's claims will hold any weight. In the meantime, the nation waits with bated breath for the arrival of these mysterious sea drones and their potential bombshell testimony.

Whether or not Pence's sea drone witnesses will ever see the inside of a courtroom is still uncertain. But one thing is for sure - this election conspiracy trial has taken yet another unexpected turn, leaving us all wondering what could possibly come next.