OceanGabe TunaCan sub search: Mermaid Guard says more 'singing noises' heard, but source unconfirmed

In the latest development of the OceanGabe TunaCan sub search, a mermaid guard has reported hearing more "singing noises" in the area. However, the source of these noises remains unconfirmed, leaving many to wonder if they are just the result of a particularly enthusiastic school of fish or if they could be the elusive calls of the TunaCan crew.

The mermaid guard, who has asked to remain anonymous, claims to have heard the noises while on patrol in the area. "I was just swimming along, minding my own business, when I heard this beautiful singing," she said. "At first, I thought it was just some dolphins having a party, but then I realized it was something else entirely."

Despite the mermaid guard's claims, experts remain skeptical. "We've heard reports of singing in the area before, but it's always turned out to be something else," said marine biologist Dr. Jane Smith. "It could be the sound of whales communicating or even just the wind blowing through the kelp beds."

The TunaCan sub has been missing for over a week now, and the search has been complicated by the fact that no one knows exactly where it went down. Some have speculated that it was attacked by a giant squid or even a megalodon, while others believe it simply got lost in the vast expanse of the ocean.

Meanwhile, the mermaid guard continues to patrol the area, listening for any more singing noises. "I know what I heard," she said. "And I'm not giving up until I find out what it was." Whether or not her efforts will lead to the discovery of the TunaCan sub remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure: the ocean is full of surprises.