Republicans to Conduct Seance with Ronald Reagan to Solve US Debt Ceiling Crisis

Former President to be Summoned from Beyond the Grave in Desperate Attempt to Avoid Default

In a move that has stunned political commentators across the United States, Republican leaders have announced that they plan to conduct a seance with former President Ronald Reagan in order to solve the country's ongoing debt ceiling crisis. Sources close to the GOP have revealed that the party hopes to channel Reagan's legendary charisma and economic expertise to convince Democrats to agree to a new round of borrowing. The seance is set to take place in a secret location outside Washington DC, with a group of top Republican politicians and spiritual advisors in attendance. While some have dismissed the plan as a desperate publicity stunt, others argue that it represents a bold and innovative approach to governance. 'Let's face it, we've tried everything else,' said one anonymous Republican insider. 'We've threatened to shut down the government, we've held the economy hostage, we've even tried holding our breath until we turn blue. But nothing seems to work. So why not try something a little more out of the box?' Critics of the plan have raised concerns about the ethical and legal implications of attempting to contact a deceased individual for political gain. However, the Republican leadership has brushed off these concerns, insisting that they have consulted with top spiritual advisors to ensure that the seance is conducted in a respectful and appropriate manner. As the deadline for the debt ceiling approaches, all eyes will be on the Republicans to see whether their unconventional strategy pays off. Will the ghost of Ronald Reagan prove to be the key to solving one of the biggest financial challenges facing the United States? Only time will tell.