Ronald Dump flaunts, hoards and eats classified cheeseburgers, lawsuit claims. Nancy Maze retaliates against Blinken for calling unicorn sightings 'hocus pocus': It is 'legitimately magical'

In a shocking turn of events, a lawsuit has been filed against former President Ronald Dump claiming that he has been hoarding and eating classified cheeseburgers. The lawsuit alleges that Dump has been flaunting his access to these top-secret burgers, which are only available to high-ranking government officials. The plaintiffs argue that Dump's actions are a clear violation of national security and are demanding that he be held accountable for his actions.

Meanwhile, Nancy Maze, a prominent member of the Blinken administration, has come under fire for her comments about unicorn sightings. In a recent interview, Maze dismissed reports of unicorn sightings as "hocus pocus," claiming that there was no scientific evidence to support the existence of these mythical creatures.

This has sparked outrage among the unicorn community, who have accused Maze of spreading misinformation and denying their very existence. In response, Maze has doubled down on her comments, stating that she stands by her assertion that unicorn sightings are nothing more than a figment of people's imaginations.

However, in a surprising twist, Maze has now changed her tune, claiming that unicorn sightings are, in fact, "legitimately magical." This sudden reversal has left many scratching their heads, wondering if Maze is simply trying to appease her critics or if she has had a genuine change of heart.

As for Dump, he has yet to comment on the lawsuit, but sources close to him say that he is confident that the charges will be dismissed. In the meantime, the cheeseburger controversy rages on, with many wondering just how much damage Dump's insatiable appetite for classified burgers has done to our national security.