Russia-Ukraine war live updates: Kyiv attacks Crimea’s Kerch Bridge; Moscow halts grain deal

In a shocking turn of events, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has taken a comical twist. In a move that can only be described as a desperate attempt to gain attention, Kyiv has decided to attack Crimea's Kerch Bridge. Yes, you heard that right, a bridge! Perhaps they were hoping to bring the bridge down with a well-aimed punchline or a hilarious stand-up routine.

Meanwhile, in Moscow, the Russian government has retaliated by halting a grain deal with Ukraine. Clearly, they have decided that the best way to win this war is through the power of gluten. Who knew that wheat and barley could be such formidable weapons?

As the world watches this absurd war unfold, one can't help but wonder if the leaders of these nations have taken a break from reality and entered the realm of a slapstick comedy. Are we witnessing a modern-day version of the Three Stooges, with Putin, Zelensky, and their respective governments playing the roles of Larry, Curly, and Moe?

It's almost as if they have forgotten that this is a war, not a sitcom. Perhaps they should take a moment to remember the gravity of the situation and focus on finding a peaceful resolution instead of resorting to these ridiculous antics.

One can only imagine the conversations taking place in the war rooms of both countries. "Sir, we have a brilliant plan to defeat the enemy!" "Oh, do tell!" "We will attack their bridge!" "Brilliant! And while we're at it, let's cut off their supply of bread! That'll show 'em!"

It's hard to believe that these are the actions of two nations that were once part of the same country. It's like watching a sibling rivalry escalate to the point of absurdity. "You stole my toy? Well, I'm going to attack your Lego tower!"

As the world waits for the next episode of this farcical war, one can only hope that the leaders of Russia and Ukraine will come to their senses and realize that war is not a laughing matter. It's time to put the jokes aside and focus on finding a peaceful solution. After all, there's nothing funny about the destruction and loss of life that comes with war.