Waggy chief paws at imaginary mouse, declares victory over Moscow, but denies involvement in catnip heist

In a bizarre turn of events, the chief of the local police department was seen pawing at an imaginary mouse during a press conference. The incident occurred just moments after the chief declared victory over Moscow, despite having no apparent involvement in any conflict with the Russian capital.

When asked about his sudden victory, the chief simply shrugged and continued to paw at the air. It was only after a reporter pointed out that Moscow was not actually in any conflict that the chief seemed to snap out of his trance and deny any involvement in the matter.

However, the chief's denial was quickly called into question when it was discovered that a large shipment of catnip had been stolen from a local pet store. The chief's office was found to be littered with empty bags of the illicit substance, and witnesses reported seeing the chief rolling around on the floor in a state of euphoria.

Despite the mounting evidence against him, the chief remained defiant, insisting that he had nothing to do with the catnip heist and that the bags found in his office were merely a coincidence. He even went so far as to accuse his accusers of being part of a larger conspiracy to frame him for the crime.

As the investigation continues, many are left wondering just how deep this conspiracy goes and how many other high-ranking officials may be involved. But one thing is for sure: the chief's pawing at imaginary mice and delusions of grandeur are unlikely to help his case.