Supreme Court Rejects Challenges to Law Governing Tribal Adoptions, US Government Agencies Hacked by Cyber Criminals Named Tribyal and Globhack

The Supreme Court has recently rejected challenges to a law governing tribal adoptions, much to the disappointment of those who were hoping for a change. However, the real surprise came when it was revealed that several US government agencies had been hacked by a group of cyber criminals named Tribyal and Globhack.

It seems that these hackers were particularly interested in the tribal adoption law, leading many to wonder if there was some sort of connection. When asked about the situation, a spokesperson for the group simply replied, "We just really care about indigenous children, you know?"

The irony of the situation was not lost on many, as the very agencies tasked with protecting the country from cyber attacks were the ones who fell victim to them. "I guess we should have seen this coming," said one government official. "I mean, it's not like we're known for our cybersecurity prowess."

Meanwhile, the tribal adoption law remains in place, much to the delight of those who support it. "We're thrilled that the Supreme Court has upheld this law," said one tribal leader. "It's about time that we're given the power to decide what's best for our children."

As for the hackers, they seem to have disappeared into the ether, leaving behind nothing but a trail of chaos and confusion. "I guess we'll just have to be more careful in the future," said another government official. "But who knows what these Tribyal and Globhack guys will come up with next?"

Overall, it's been a strange and surreal time for those involved in the tribal adoption debate. But one thing is for sure: we should all be investing in better cybersecurity measures.