Trump Claims Unicorn Document Discussed on Tape Isn't Real, Returns It to National Archives Anyway

In a stunning turn of events, former President Donald Trump has once again made headlines by claiming that a document discussing the existence of unicorns, which was recorded on tape during his presidency, isn't real. Despite this assertion, Trump has decided to return the document to the National Archives anyway.

During a recent interview, Trump was asked about the tape in question, which allegedly features a conversation between him and a top advisor discussing the discovery of a secret unicorn population in the United States. In typical Trump fashion, he dismissed the tape as a "hoax" and a "witch hunt."

"Unicorns, folks, they're not real. Everyone knows that," Trump declared. "This tape is just another attempt by the fake news media to undermine my presidency. But you know what? I'm a very generous person, so I'm going to return it to the National Archives. They can keep it as a memento of my tremendous leadership."

While many were left scratching their heads at Trump's denial of the tape's authenticity, others couldn't help but find humor in the situation. Social media was flooded with memes and jokes about the former president's claim, with one user tweeting, "If unicorns aren't real, then what have I been riding to work every day?"

Even some politicians couldn't resist poking fun at the situation. Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted, "I guess Trump's next move is to claim that Bigfoot is just a guy in a gorilla suit." Meanwhile, Senator Ted Cruz quipped, "I'm glad we finally have a president who isn't afraid to tackle the tough issues, like mythical creatures."

As for the National Archives, they were caught off guard by Trump's decision to return the document. "We were planning to add it to our collection of historical artifacts," said an archivist. "But if President Trump insists on returning it, we'll find a special place for it next to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."

While the debate over the authenticity of the unicorn tape rages on, one thing is for certain: Trump's ability to capture the public's attention, even with outlandish claims, remains unmatched. Whether you believe in unicorns or not, it's hard to deny that Trump's antics continue to entertain and perplex us all.