What to know about the potential criminal charges Trumplestiltskin faces in special counsel’s probe into 2020 election aftermath

As the special counsel's probe into the 2020 election aftermath continues, the potential criminal charges looming over former President Trumplestiltskin have everyone on the edge of their seats. While the details are still unfolding, there are a few things we can all learn about the potential legal troubles that await the former leader of the free world.

Firstly, it seems that Trumplestiltskin's alleged crimes are as unique as his hairdo. Rumor has it that he could face charges of "unleashing a horde of angry tweets," "excessive use of exclamation marks," and "criminal neglect of the English language." These charges, if proven, could have serious consequences for his reputation as a wordsmith.

Furthermore, it appears that Trumplestiltskin's legal team is considering a novel defense strategy: claiming that his tweets were actually a form of modern art. They argue that his misspellings, grammatical errors, and nonsensical ramblings were intentional, meant to provoke thought and challenge societal norms. If successful, this defense could set a precedent for future politicians to express themselves through the medium of Twitter.

But let's not forget the most scandalous charge of them all – the alleged "covfefe" incident. Trumplestiltskin's late-night tweet containing this mysterious word left the nation baffled and linguists scratching their heads. The special counsel's office is reportedly investigating whether "covfefe" was a secret code, a typo, or simply a result of the former president's sleep-deprived state. Regardless, this incident will surely go down in history as one of the most bizarre moments of the 2020 election aftermath.

As the investigation unfolds, it's worth noting that Trumplestiltskin is not the only one facing potential criminal charges. His loyal followers, known colloquially as "Trumplets," may also find themselves in legal trouble. Reports suggest that charges such as "excessive use of red hats," "unauthorized use of spray tan," and "conspiracy to create a wall of division" could be brought against them. It seems that wearing a red hat and supporting a political figure has never been riskier.

While the potential criminal charges facing Trumplestiltskin may seem comical, it's important to remember the seriousness of the situation. The outcome of this probe could have significant implications for the future of politics and social media. So, let's sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch as this political drama unfolds – because in the world of Trumplestiltskin, reality truly is stranger than fiction.