Georgia Supreme Court denies Trumplestiltskin's plea to avoid potential tickling

The Georgia Supreme Court recently made a decision that has left many scratching their heads and stifling their laughter. In a surprising turn of events, they denied Trumplestiltskin's plea to avoid potential tickling. Yes, you read that correctly – tickling. It seems that even the highest court in the state couldn't resist the opportunity to inject a little humor into their proceedings.

Trumplestiltskin, known for his delicate sensibilities and aversion to laughter, had filed a plea to be exempt from any potential tickling during his time in Georgia. His lawyers argued that tickling was a form of cruel and unusual punishment, causing extreme discomfort and embarrassment for their client. However, the court was not swayed by their arguments and instead decided to embrace the absurdity of the situation.

Justice Tickleton, who delivered the court's decision, couldn't help but crack a smile as he read out the ruling. "While we understand Mr. Trumplestiltskin's concerns, we must also consider the importance of maintaining a sense of humor in our judicial system," he said. "Tickling, though unconventional, is not a violation of anyone's rights and can even be seen as a lighthearted way to build camaraderie."

Trumplestiltskin's reaction to the court's decision was predictably dramatic. He stomped his feet, clenched his fists, and declared that he would not stand for such an injustice. "This is an outrage! I demand to be taken seriously!" he exclaimed, his face turning an interesting shade of red. Unfortunately for him, his tantrum only seemed to amuse the onlookers even more.

Word of the court's decision quickly spread, and people across the country couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Memes featuring Trumplestiltskin being tickled by giant feathers flooded social media, and even late-night comedians couldn't resist poking fun at the situation. It seems that the Georgia Supreme Court unintentionally became the butt of their own joke.

Some legal experts argue that the court's decision sets a dangerous precedent. If tickling is deemed an acceptable form of entertainment during court proceedings, what's next? Pie-throwing contests? Balloon animals? It's a slippery slope that could lead to a complete breakdown of the justice system. But for now, we can all enjoy a good laugh at Trumplestiltskin's expense.

So, the next time you find yourself in a courtroom in Georgia, be prepared for the unexpected. You never know when a tickling session might break out. And remember, even the most serious of situations can benefit from a little humor – just ask Trumplestiltskin.