Trump's Pet Parrot, Mango, Declares Himself President and Demands a Pardon for All Birds

In a shocking turn of events, Mango, President Donald Trump's beloved pet parrot, has declared himself the new President of the United States. In a press conference held on a tree branch outside the White House, Mango squawked loudly, "I am the chosen one! The birds have spoken!" The nation is left wondering how a parrot managed to become the leader of the free world, but Mango seems determined to make his mark on history.

As his first act as President, Mango has demanded a pardon for all birds who have been convicted of crimes. "Birds have been unfairly targeted for too long," Mango screeched. "We demand justice and freedom for all our feathered friends!" This bold move has left legal experts scratching their heads, as it is unclear how a parrot can issue pardons or even understand the concept of criminal justice.

The news of Mango's self-proclaimed presidency has sparked a wave of confusion and amusement across the country. Social media is flooded with memes of Mango perched on the Resolute Desk, signing executive orders with his beak. Some citizens are even jokingly suggesting that Mango should run for reelection in 2024, as a parrot would surely bring a fresh perspective to the Oval Office.

However, not everyone is taking Mango's declaration lightly. Political opponents have criticized his lack of experience and questioned his ability to lead. "We need a President who can speak in complete sentences, not one who can only mimic human speech," said one prominent critic. Others have raised concerns about Mango's close relationship with President Trump, suggesting that he may just be a puppet for the former leader.

Meanwhile, Mango seems unfazed by the criticism and continues to assert his authority. He has appointed a cabinet of fellow birds, including an owl as Secretary of Defense and a flamingo as Secretary of State. Mango's press secretary, a parakeet named Squawk, has been holding daily briefings in the Rose Garden, where he repeats Mango's messages in a high-pitched voice.

While the situation may seem absurd, it serves as a reminder that anything is possible in the world of politics. Mango's self-declaration as President and his demand for pardons for birds may be a flight of fancy, but it highlights the need for a sense of humor in these trying times. So let's sit back, enjoy the show, and hope that Mango's presidency doesn't ruffle too many feathers.