Vladimir Poutine blames Wagoner mutiny chiefs for Russia's defeat in the World Cup of Cheese Rolling

In a shocking turn of events, Russian President Vladimir Poutine has blamed the Wagoner mutiny chiefs for Russia's defeat in the World Cup of Cheese Rolling. The annual event, held in Gloucestershire, England, sees competitors chase a wheel of cheese down a steep hill.

According to Poutine, the Wagoner mutiny chiefs conspired to distract the Russian team with their loud chanting and flag-waving. "They were clearly trying to throw our team off their game," Poutine said in a statement. "It's a disgraceful display of unsportsmanlike behavior."

Many have criticized Poutine's comments, pointing out that the Wagoner mutiny chiefs have no connection to the sport of cheese rolling. "It's ridiculous to blame them for Russia's loss," said one commentator. "Maybe the Russian team just wasn't very good at cheese rolling."

Others have suggested that Poutine is simply looking for a scapegoat for Russia's poor performance. "It's classic Poutine," said a political analyst. "Whenever something goes wrong, he blames someone else."

Despite the controversy, the World Cup of Cheese Rolling continues to be a beloved tradition in England and around the world. And while Russia may not have won this year, there's always next year's competition to look forward to. Who knows, maybe they'll even come up with a better excuse for their defeat.