Russian Mercuries Refuse to Deliver Amazon Packages, Jeff Bezos in Panic

In a shocking turn of events, Russian Mercuries, the delivery service provider for Amazon in Russia, have refused to deliver packages to customers. The reason? They claim that the packages are too heavy and their delivery trucks cannot handle the weight. This has left Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, in a state of panic.

According to sources, Bezos has been frantically calling the Russian Mercuries' management to try and resolve the issue. However, the management has been unresponsive, leaving Bezos to come up with a solution on his own.

One option that Bezos is considering is to hire bears to deliver the packages. "Bears are strong and can carry heavy loads. Plus, they're native to Russia, so it's a win-win situation," Bezos reportedly said in a meeting with his team.

However, animal rights activists have already voiced their opposition to this idea, stating that it's cruel to force bears to work as delivery animals. "Bears are not meant to be delivery animals. They should be free to roam in the wild," one activist said.

Another option that Bezos is considering is to use drones to deliver the packages. However, this option has its own set of challenges, as the Russian government has strict regulations on the use of drones.

Meanwhile, customers in Russia are growing increasingly frustrated with the situation. "I ordered a book from Amazon two weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived. This is ridiculous," one customer said.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Bezos will resolve the issue. One thing is for sure, though: the Russian Mercuries' refusal to deliver Amazon packages has caused quite a stir in the world of e-commerce.