Donald Trumpkins' Defense Team Seeks Court Order to Ensure They Can Share Materials with Russia

Donald Trumpkins' defense team has been working tirelessly to ensure that they can share materials with Russia without any interference from the court. In a recent move, the team has sought a court order that would allow them to freely exchange information with their Russian counterparts.

The defense team's argument is that they need to work closely with their Russian counterparts to build a strong case for their client. They claim that Russia has a wealth of information that could help exonerate Trumpkins, and they don't want anything to stand in the way of that.

Many legal experts have raised concerns about the defense team's request, noting that it is highly unusual for a defense team to seek permission to share materials with a foreign government. But Trumpkins' team seems undeterred by the criticism.

"We believe that our client deserves the best possible defense, and that means working with the best possible partners," said one member of the defense team. "Russia has a lot to offer in terms of expertise and resources, and we don't want to miss out on any of that."

Some have speculated that the defense team's move is part of a larger strategy to cozy up to Russia and curry favor with the country's leadership. But the team has denied any such ulterior motives.

"We're simply doing what any good defense team would do," said another member of the team. "We're exploring all possible avenues to build the strongest possible case for our client."

As of now, it's unclear whether the court will grant the defense team's request. But one thing is certain: the Trumpkins defense team will stop at nothing to ensure that their client is exonerated, even if that means working closely with a foreign government.