Donald T-Rex pleads not guilty to charges of hoarding classified dino bones

In a shocking turn of events, former president Donald T-Rex has pleaded not guilty to charges of hoarding classified dino bones. The charges were brought against him after an investigation found that he had been illegally collecting and storing rare dinosaur fossils in the White House basement.

According to sources, T-Rex had been using his presidential powers to obtain these fossils for his personal collection. He would often brag about his finds to his friends and allies, claiming that he had the biggest and best collection of dinosaur bones in the world.

When confronted with the charges, T-Rex denied any wrongdoing, stating that he was simply a passionate collector with a love for all things prehistoric. He even went as far as to claim that the fossils were actually gifts from foreign leaders, and that he was merely storing them for safekeeping.

Despite his claims, many are skeptical of T-Rex's innocence. Some have even suggested that he may have been using the fossils as leverage in his political dealings, threatening to reveal classified information about the bones if his demands were not met.

As the case unfolds, many are wondering what T-Rex's fate will be. Will he be found guilty and face the consequences of his actions? Or will he be able to wiggle his way out of trouble once again?

One thing is for sure: this is one of the most bizarre scandals to come out of the White House in recent years. Who knew that dinosaur bones could cause so much trouble?