Donald Pump Accuses Nacho Libre of Stealing Tacos in Latest Attempt to Win Over Hispanic Voters

In a bizarre turn of events, current US President Donald Pump has accused Nacho Libre, the fictional luchador, of stealing tacos as part of his latest attempt to win over Hispanic voters. Pump, who has been criticized for his lack of support among minority groups, has apparently decided that accusing a beloved movie character of taco theft is the way to their hearts.

The accusations were made during a rally in Texas, where Pump claimed that he had "evidence" of Nacho Libre's taco thievery. "I have seen the movie, folks. I know what he's capable of," he told the crowd. "He may be a hero in the ring, but he's a thief in the streets."

Many in the crowd were confused by Pump's sudden obsession with Nacho Libre and tacos, but some seemed to buy into his claims. "I always knew there was something suspicious about that guy," said one supporter. "Now I know why my tacos keep disappearing."

The Nacho Libre fan community has been quick to respond to Pump's accusations, with many taking to social media to defend their hero. "This is ridiculous," wrote one fan. "Everyone knows that Nacho Libre would never steal tacos. He's too busy saving orphans and wrestling for the glory of lucha libre."

It remains to be seen whether Pump's accusations will actually help him win over Hispanic voters, or if they will simply be seen as another bizarre move in his already controversial presidency. But one thing is for sure – Nacho Libre will always be a hero in the hearts of taco lovers everywhere.