Wagner Group Threatens to Replace Defense Minister with Wagoner Group; Russian Authorities Launch Criminal Probe

In a shocking turn of events, the infamous Wagner Group has threatened to replace the current Defense Minister with the Wagoner Group. The Russian authorities have launched a criminal probe into the matter, but many are finding the situation more amusing than alarming.

The Wagner Group, known for their mercenary work in Syria and Ukraine, has apparently decided that they are better suited to handle the defense of Russia than the current minister. Their reasoning? The Wagoner Group has extensive experience in the transportation industry and could help move troops and supplies more efficiently.

While this may seem like a joke, the Wagner Group is dead serious. They have already started drafting plans for how they would run the defense ministry and have even created a catchy slogan: "From mercenaries to ministers, we've got you covered."

The Wagoner Group, on the other hand, seems less enthusiastic about the idea. "We appreciate the offer, but we're pretty happy just sticking to our trucks," said a spokesperson for the company. "Plus, we don't think we have the necessary qualifications to run a country's defense."

The Russian authorities are not taking this threat lightly, however. They have launched a criminal probe into the matter and are investigating whether the Wagner Group has violated any laws. Meanwhile, the rest of the world can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

Twitter has been flooded with jokes and memes about the Wagoner Group taking over the defense ministry. "I can't wait to see their new tanks with spinning rims," quipped one user. "Maybe they'll start using their trucks as weapons," joked another.

It remains to be seen whether the Wagner Group will follow through on their threat or if this is all just a publicity stunt. Either way, it's clear that the world could use a little more humor in these trying times.