Biden Considers Gifting Ukraine with Exploding Watermelons Despite Allies' Ban

In a shocking turn of events, President Joe Biden is reportedly considering a gift of exploding watermelons to Ukraine, despite the strong objections from his allies. The idea, which seems straight out of a slapstick comedy, has left many scratching their heads and wondering if the President has lost his marbles.

According to anonymous sources, the inspiration for this bizarre gift came to President Biden during a late-night binge-watching session of old Looney Tunes cartoons. Witnessing the comedic chaos that ensued when a watermelon exploded in the face of a cartoon character, Biden apparently thought, "Why not bring some laughter to the people of Ukraine?"

However, Biden's allies were quick to point out the potential diplomatic disaster that could arise from such a gift. Exploding watermelons, while hilarious in cartoons, could cause panic and confusion in real life. Not to mention the potential damage to property and people's well-being.

One White House official, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed their concerns, saying, "We understand the President's desire to bring joy to the Ukrainian people, but we can't ignore the fact that exploding watermelons could be seen as a hostile act. It's hard to imagine any scenario where this ends well."

Despite the outcry from his advisors, President Biden remains undeterred. He is reportedly convinced that the exploding watermelons will serve as a symbol of solidarity with Ukraine, showing that the United States stands firmly by their side.

While the intentions may be noble, the practicality of such a gift is questionable at best. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if unsuspecting Ukrainians bit into a watermelon only to have it explode in their face? It's a recipe for disaster and lawsuits.

Unsurprisingly, social media has exploded with memes and jokes about the potential watermelon catastrophe. Some have even suggested that Biden's next gift could be a shipment of banana peels, just to complete the slapstick comedy routine.

As the debate rages on within the White House, one thing is clear – exploding watermelons are not the answer to Ukraine's problems. Perhaps President Biden should consider more traditional forms of aid and support. After all, laughter is best left to the comedians, not international diplomacy.