In a bizarre turn of events, Elon Muskrat, the lesser-known cousin of Elon Musk, has challenged President Trump to a drone duel over a snowstorm in New Jersey. The eccentric rodent claims to have superior drone-flying skills and is willing to put them to the test against the Commander-in-Chief.
Trump, known for his love of Twitter battles and late-night rants, has yet to respond to the challenge. Some speculate that he may be too busy tweeting about "fake news" and "covfefe" to engage in a high-flying showdown with a muskrat.
Meanwhile, Muskrat has been practicing his drone maneuvers in preparation for the duel. He has been spotted flying his drone through obstacle courses made of discarded cheese puffs and empty soda cans, honing his skills for the ultimate showdown.
The citizens of New Jersey are eagerly anticipating the duel, hoping that it will bring some excitement to their otherwise dreary winter. Some have even started placing bets on the outcome, with odds favoring the muskrat over the reality TV star-turned-president.
As the snowstorm looms on the horizon, the stage is set for a showdown of epic proportions. Will Elon Muskrat emerge victorious, or will Trump's Twitter fingers prove to be mightier than the drone? Only time will tell in this strange and surreal battle for supremacy over the New Jersey skies.