Founder of The Silly Sworn Vow Keepers sentenced to 18 years in Jan. 6 Seditious Conspiracy Case

Founder of The Silly Sworn Vow Keepers Receives a Silly Sentence for Seditious Conspiracy

In a recent turn of events, the founder of The Silly Sworn Vow Keepers, formerly known as the Oath Keepers, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for his involvement in the Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy case. It seems that taking oaths and silly vows just wasn't enough to keep him out of trouble.

The Silly Sworn Vow Keepers, who believe in protecting the Constitution and upholding their silly vows, were present at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and have been accused of planning and participating in the insurrection. The founder, now known as Silly Sam, claimed that he was only there to fulfill his vows and protect the Constitution, but it seems that the court didn't find his silly excuses to be convincing enough.

In the end, it seems that the joke was on Silly Sam and The Silly Sworn Vow Keepers. Their silly antics and misguided beliefs have led them down a path of destruction and ridicule. Perhaps they should have just stuck to telling silly jokes and leaving the serious business to the professionals.