Francis Starbuck announces bid for intergalactic presidency after winning $25.6 million in suit against alien arrests

In a shocking turn of events, Francis Starbuck, a resident of Earth, has announced his bid for intergalactic presidency. This announcement comes after Starbuck won a whopping $25.6 million in a lawsuit against alien arrests.

Starbuck, who claims to have been abducted multiple times by extraterrestrial beings, has been fighting for his rights for years. His victory in court has now given him the courage to take on the universe.

"I have been through a lot in my life, and I believe I have what it takes to be the leader of the galaxy," Starbuck declared in a press conference. "My experiences have prepared me for any challenge that may come my way, whether it's dealing with hostile aliens or navigating through black holes."

While some have criticized Starbuck's lack of political experience, his supporters argue that his encounters with aliens give him a unique perspective on intergalactic diplomacy.

"Who better to represent us in the cosmos than someone who has actually interacted with beings from other planets?" one of Starbuck's supporters stated. "He has firsthand knowledge of their culture and customs. That's more than any politician can say."

Starbuck's opponents, however, are not convinced. "This is a joke, right?" one intergalactic leader scoffed. "We need someone with real experience, not someone who thinks being abducted by aliens qualifies them to lead."

Only time will tell if Starbuck's bid for intergalactic presidency will be successful. But one thing is for sure, if he wins, it will be one giant leap for mankind (and aliens).