Live Updates: Missing Tito Jackson's sub search discovers debris field

In a shocking turn of events, the search for Tito Jackson's missing submarine has instead uncovered a debris field. The search team, consisting of highly trained professionals, had been scouring the ocean floor for any sign of the missing sub when they stumbled upon the wreckage.

Despite the disappointment of not finding Tito Jackson, the team remained optimistic. "We may not have found Tito, but we did find a whole lot of junk!" said one team member with a grin. "Who knows what treasures we might uncover in this debris field?"

The search team has already begun sifting through the wreckage, hoping to find clues as to what caused the debris field. "We've found a lot of old soda cans and discarded fishing nets," said another team member. "It's like a treasure trove of garbage down here!"

As news of the discovery spread, social media was abuzz with speculation. "Maybe Tito's sub got caught in a giant trash vortex!" tweeted one user. "Or maybe he's just really good at hiding!" joked another.

Despite the levity of the situation, the search team remains committed to finding Tito Jackson and his missing sub. "We may have found a debris field, but we're not giving up hope," said the team leader. "Who knows what we might find next?"

In the meantime, the search team plans to continue exploring the debris field, hoping to uncover more hidden treasures. "Who knows, maybe we'll find Jimmy Hoffa down here!" joked one team member.