MAGA Warrior Jeff Landry Declares Himself Ruler of Louisiana, Plans to Build Wall Around State

In a surprising turn of events, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry has declared himself the ruler of the state and announced his plans to build a wall around Louisiana. Inspired by former President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" campaign, Landry has taken it upon himself to make Louisiana "great" by isolating it from the rest of the country.

With a newfound sense of authority, Landry donned a cape and crown and declared himself the "MAGA Warrior" of Louisiana. He believes that by building a wall around the state, he can protect it from the perceived threats of progress, diversity, and common sense.

Landry's vision for the wall includes a moat filled with alligators, to deter any potential intruders. He claims that this will not only keep out undocumented immigrants but also prevent any pesky tourists from infiltrating the state.

When questioned about the practicality and cost of such a project, Landry brushed off the concerns, stating that he has a "big beautiful plan" and that Mexico will pay for it. When reminded that Louisiana does not share a border with Mexico, Landry simply shrugged and said, "Details, details."

Not everyone is thrilled with Landry's grandiose plans. Critics argue that the wall will only serve to isolate Louisiana from the rest of the country and hinder economic growth. However, Landry remains undeterred, stating that Louisiana will become a self-sustaining utopia where gumbo flows freely and crawfish never run out.

Landry's declaration of rulership and his plans for a wall have sparked a wave of memes and jokes on social media. Some have even suggested that he should focus on more pressing issues, such as improving education and healthcare in the state. But Landry seems more interested in playing dress-up and living out his fantasy of being a MAGA superhero.

As the self-proclaimed ruler of Louisiana, Landry has already begun issuing decrees. He has declared that anyone caught wearing a "I Love New Orleans" t-shirt will be banished from the state, and alligator wrestling will become the official state sport. It remains to be seen how the people of Louisiana will react to their new ruler's whimsical and questionable decisions.

So, buckle up, Louisiana! It looks like you're in for a wild ride with the MAGA Warrior at the helm. Just remember, while the rest of the country moves forward, Louisiana will be busy building walls and fighting imaginary enemies. God bless the Bayou State!