Trump Declares Himself Ruler of GOP, Plans to Open 'Trump University' for Criminal Defense

In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump has declared himself the ruler of the Republican Party and announced plans to open a new educational institution called "Trump University" for criminal defense. With his signature flair for self-promotion and disregard for conventional norms, Trump seems determined to leave his mark on the GOP and the legal system.

Trump's declaration as the ruler of the GOP came as no surprise to his loyal supporters, who have long seen him as the ultimate authority in all matters political. In a tweet that garnered thousands of retweets and likes, Trump boldly proclaimed, "I am the GOP. Nobody knows the Republican Party better than me. Believe me, folks."

As for his plans to open "Trump University" for criminal defense, it seems Trump is capitalizing on his experience with legal matters during his presidency. The university promises to teach aspiring lawyers the art of defending the indefensible, with courses such as "Alternative Facts in the Courtroom" and "How to Tweet Your Way to Acquittal."

Unsurprisingly, the announcement has been met with mixed reactions. Some legal experts argue that Trump's approach to criminal defense is unorthodox at best and downright dangerous at worst. One prominent attorney commented, "I'm not sure the legal world is ready for 'Trump-style' defense strategies. We might see an influx of clients claiming 'executive privilege' or 'perfect phone calls' as their defense."

Others, however, see this as a golden opportunity to learn from the master himself. One aspiring lawyer said, "Who better to learn from than the man who has been involved in countless legal battles? I can't wait to enroll in 'Trump University' and learn how to spin any crime into a 'witch hunt' or 'hoax'."

While Trump's declaration as ruler of the GOP and his plans for "Trump University" may seem like a satirical dream come true, it's important to remember that this article is purely fictional. In reality, Trump's influence on the Republican Party and the legal system is a topic of ongoing debate and analysis.

So, let's take this opportunity to enjoy a good laugh and appreciate the absurdity of the situation. After all, in the world of politics, truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction.