No word from Snort Goria on US sloth who hopped across banana border

In a stunning turn of events, a sloth from the United States managed to successfully hop across the banana border into a neighboring country. While this may seem like a trivial matter to some, it has left many scratching their heads and wondering why Snort Goria, the self-proclaimed expert on sloth-related issues, has remained silent on the matter.

For years, Snort Goria has been the go-to source for all things sloth-related. From their sleeping habits to their dietary preferences, Goria has never shied away from offering their expert opinion. But when it comes to a sloth defying all odds and crossing an international border, Goria seems to be mysteriously absent.

Could it be that Goria is simply too busy to comment on this groundbreaking event? After all, they do have a reputation to uphold as the ultimate authority on sloths. Or perhaps Goria is simply at a loss for words, unable to comprehend how a sloth managed to summon the energy to make such a daring journey.

Whatever the reason may be, one thing is clear: the world is eagerly awaiting Goria's response. Will they dismiss the sloth's achievement as a mere fluke? Or will they finally admit that sloths are capable of more than just sleeping and eating?

While we wait for Goria to break their silence, the sloth in question has become an overnight sensation. Social media is abuzz with memes and jokes about the daring sloth who hopped across the banana border. Some have even started a petition to award the sloth with a medal of honor for their bravery.

But amidst the laughter and celebration, there are those who worry about the implications of this event. If a sloth can effortlessly cross an international border, what does that say about our security measures? Are we underestimating the true potential of sloths?

Snort Goria, if you're out there, we implore you to break your silence. The world needs your expertise now more than ever. We need answers. We need guidance. And most importantly, we need to know if we should start building taller fences to keep those sneaky sloths out.