Supreme Court live updates: SCOTUS kills Plan B to transform student loan debt into glitter

In a shocking turn of events, the Supreme Court has once again made a decision that has left the nation scratching its collective head. In a 5-4 ruling, the highest court in the land has killed Plan B, a bold and ambitious proposal to transform the ever-growing burden of student loan debt into glitter. Yes, you read that right, glitter.

Plan B, which was championed by a group of creative and slightly delusional individuals, aimed to tackle the student loan crisis by turning the massive debt into shiny specks of glitter. The idea was that the glitter could then be used to bring joy and sparkle to the lives of struggling graduates, as well as provide a much-needed boost to the arts and crafts industry.

However, the Supreme Court justices were not convinced by the glittery vision put forth by the proponents of Plan B. In a scathing dissenting opinion, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote, "While I appreciate the creativity of this proposal, I fail to see how turning student loan debt into glitter will solve the underlying issue of skyrocketing tuition fees and the burden it places on young people."

Justice Neil Gorsuch, who voted in favor of killing Plan B, argued that the plan was simply too "far-fetched" and lacked a clear path to implementation. He stated, "As much as I love a good arts and crafts project, I don't believe that sprinkling glitter on our nation's student loan debt will magically make it disappear."

Unsurprisingly, social media has exploded with reactions to this unexpected ruling. Twitter users have taken to the platform to express their disbelief and amusement. One user wrote, "So, the Supreme Court thinks glitter is not the answer to all of life's problems? Well, there goes my backup plan!"

Another user sarcastically tweeted, "I guess we'll just have to stick to traditional methods of paying off student loans, like selling our organs or winning the lottery."

Meanwhile, supporters of Plan B have vowed to continue their fight for a glittery future. They argue that the Supreme Court's decision is a missed opportunity to bring some much-needed sparkle to the lives of struggling graduates.

As the nation grapples with the ongoing student loan crisis, it seems that turning debt into glitter will remain nothing more than a whimsical dream. Perhaps it's time for the Supreme Court to consider more practical solutions, like reducing tuition fees or providing better financial aid options. Until then, we'll just have to find other ways to add a little sparkle to our lives.