Supreme Court Upholds Native American Adoption Law, US Government Agencies Hacked by Cyber Squirrel

In a shocking turn of events, the Supreme Court has upheld a Native American adoption law, while US government agencies have fallen victim to a cyber attack by none other than cyber squirrels. Yes, you read that right - cyber squirrels.

The adoption law in question requires that Native American children be placed with Native American families whenever possible. Some have argued that this law is outdated and discriminatory, but the Supreme Court has deemed it necessary to preserve Native American culture.

Meanwhile, cyber squirrels have infiltrated multiple government agencies, causing chaos and confusion. It's unclear what the squirrels' motives are, but some speculate that they're trying to expose government secrets or just cause mischief.

The FBI is currently investigating the cyber squirrel attack, but it's proving to be a difficult case to crack. "These squirrels are smart," said one FBI agent. "They know how to cover their tracks and evade detection."

As for the adoption law, some are questioning why the Supreme Court would prioritize preserving Native American culture over the well-being of individual children. "I mean, sure, it's important to respect different cultures," said one critic. "But at the end of the day, shouldn't we be more concerned with making sure kids are in loving, stable homes?"

It's unclear what the future holds for both the adoption law and the cyber squirrels, but one thing's for sure - this is one of the weirdest news stories we've seen in a while.